Sunday, February 14, 2010

Can Money buy friendship?


When you see a title like this , you will think .

“Okay , there is a guy who is super rich , he spent his money on everybody , so that people will like him”

Then , most people (trying to be a smart ass) will answer ..

“Yes , money can buy friendship . But temporary friends , or fake friends . They want to be your friend just because of your money . Nothing else . Money cannot buy true friendship”


“Yes, money can buy friendship but the real question is what kind of friends are you buying”

After answering , most people will question themselves , “who are my best friends?” “Are they my real friends?”

then they smile and say to themselves “i think we will still be best friends even though both of us are broke :)

Well , actually my question is the other way round and think about it….

Is it nessary?

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