Saturday, March 20, 2010

Business Marketing

Nowadays, business and marketing is one of the biggest choices of job. Almost every person is dreaming to have a company or little premise to run the business. In other word, they want to be the boss or ‘Tauke’. From a big company to a little ‘Kopitiam’ or ‘Warong’, even sometimes there is at least a student will run a business in a college or university.
Logically, many people will think that business is hard to do. Some of them are afraid to take the risks in the business, so they lost it. However, some of them also willing to take all the risk day by day, month by month, year by year before they become a successful person in business. The risks include the economy of the world or in a country, number of people consume on a product, the rate of currency, the range of the marketing, a strategic place to run the business, and many more.
To be a successful company leader or boss, we have to take all the risks in the business positively and able to face the failure of a business. Business is one of the way to increase the economy of a certain places, provides job for those who are jobless, and also to make a good money rather than work with people in a company or industry

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