Sunday, March 21, 2010

Holiday ! Holiday ! Holiday !

By semester after semester, there will be a period for students to have a holiday. At the time, most of the students will forget for their studies for a while, and then they will take the time for enjoying and relaxing by do something that satisfied for them.

Most of the students like to socialize with their friends during this time. For instance, most of them will go to jamming, playing indoor soccer or famously be called futsal, hanging out to anywhere they like, swimming, vacation, and many more. Perhaps they will spend their holiday by alone, with their love one, family or friends. Some of them may find a part time job, too. Most of them want to find some money for them to use.

Holiday is holiday. But sometimes, we need to remember that we have to manage it well. We can do anything that we want, but as long as it will be the holiday that provides good thing to us. Enjoy it Well!!!

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